Frequently Asked Questions

What is Ministerial Internship Program (M.I.P.) all about?

The underlying philosophy of the MIP has always been

to provide ministerial preparation by practical training on the local-church level

combined with academic self-study

and monthly training seminars,

focusing on vital topics for spiritual leadership and ministerial effectiveness.

What are the purposes of M.I.P?

* Give the minister and spouse practical training and experience at the local-church level under the supervision of a pastor.

* Develop the scriptural discipline of submission (Romans 13:1 and Hebrews 13:17).

* Provide commitment between the Church of God and the minister.

* Develop in ministers the proper attitudes toward the church, the ministry, fellow ministers, and the people whom they serve

* Assist new ministers in discovering their own talents and styles for evangelistic outreach, pastoral responsibilities, other areas of ministry, and for determining further training needs.

What are the three parts of M.I.P. program?

* Studies on the (1) Bible, (2) Doctrine, and (3) Leadership

The candidates and spouses follow a daily schedule of spiritual, study, and physical assignments.

* A supervised practicum with a pastor:

The supervised practicum affords the supervising pastor an opportunity to prepare the MIP candidates to fulfill their divine call. The supervised practicum experience builds upon the supervising pastor being a mentor and a coach to the candidate. The focus of the relationship is on ministry activities and reflections between the supervising pastor and candidate. The relationship purposefully develops ministry skills in the candidate.

* Eight monthly seminars:

The eight monthly seminars cover a range of materials that address ministry topics and issues. The seminars complement and add to the experience of the supervised practicum.

What are the specializations in the M.I.P.?

In an effort to broaden the ministerial training experience, specializations in ministries will be offered in the MIP.  The specializations are:

(1) Assistant pastor ministry,

(2) Christian education ministry,

(3) Church planting,

(4) Chaplaincy,

(5) Children’s ministry,

(6) Youth Ministry, and

(7) Women’s ministry.

If applicants want to specialize in one of these ministries, they should contact the state MIP coordinator in their states.